Monday, April 14, 2008

Earth Week Activities

Hi all,
Of course we understand that you will be in the midst of finals preparation during these events; nonetheless, we wanted you know know about what USD is doing for Earth Week 2008. So if you get a free minute or just need a break, come show your School of Law support by showing up to one of these events! Here are the details:

The USD community celebrates sustainability April 14-24 with "Planting the Seeds of Change." A collaboration of student organizations and university departments, events are organized around Earth Day.

Earth Fair 2008 in Balboa Park April 20, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. : USD is sponsoring the Earth Fair at Balboa Park
. Visit the touch tank at the Marine Science and Environmental Studies'
booth. Trams will run, on the hour, from the UC to Balboa Park.

Farmer's Market and Fair Trade Booths April
22, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.: Bring a shopping bag to the UC and stock up on
produce from local growers; vendors supporting fair trade practices
will also be on hand with their products.

Dumpster "Dump and Sort"
22: Don't be surprised when you see a pile of garbage on the lawn in
front of Maher Hall on Earth Day. Students will separate what we've
thrown in the garbage to demonstrate how much more of our garbage can be recycled so it doesn't go into the landfill.

USD's Green Living Expo
April 24, 11 a.m.-2
p.m.: This UC event will educate us about changes we can make in how we get to work to the plants we grow in our backyards to lessen our impact on the environment.

E-mail us to receive information about all of the events taking place as part of Planting the Seeds of Change.