Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hey All. Volunteer opportunities are numerous in San Diego and here's a great way to get involved. Also, it's a great way for the club to get money from SBA. Here's a list of Surfrider Foundation Beach Clean Up Dates for the next 6 months. It starts at 9AM and last 2 hours. There's no need to pre-register. If you have any further questions check out Tentatively schedule 2/24 as a date that we as a club will go.

January 13th - Coastkeeper Moonlight Beach Meet on the sand at the bottom of the ramp
January 27th - Coastkeeper Windansea Beach Meet at the end of Nautilus next to the shack
February 10th - Surfrider Ponto Jetty
February 24th - Surfrider Tourmaline
(Pacific Beach) Meet right next to public restrooms
March 10th - Coastkeeper Cardiff State Beach Meet on the sand North of Charlie’s restaurant
March 24th - Coastkeeper Coronado City Beach Meet on the sand near the intersection of Ocean Blvd & G Ave.
April 14th - Surfrider South Mission BeachMeet at the jetty next to lifeguard tower
April 28th - Surfrider Creek to Bay CleanupCoordinated by ILACSD (Surfrider & Coastkeeper Sites)
May 12th - Coastkeeper Oceanside Pier Meet on the Southside of the pier
May 20th - Coastkeeper Pacific Beach Street Sweep Meeting point TBA
June 9th - Surfrider Oceanside - Buccaneer Beach
June 23rd - Surfrider Crystal Pier (Pacific Beach) Meet on the north side of the pier

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Here is the flyer for our big upcoming event, Wed. 2/7 at 12:15PM in the Grace Court Room:

University of San Diego School of Law

Public Lecture


Presented by

Capt. Mark T. Hunzeker

Wednesday, February 7, 2007, 12:15 p.m.

(Lunch will available at 12:00 p.m., outside the Grace Courtroom)

Warren Hall – Grace Courtroom (3rd Floor)

RSVP to or

to the Event Response Line at 619-260-6848

Capt. Mark T. Hunzeker will be speaking in his personal capacity, about his personal experiences and views. He is not speaking on behalf of the Navy or acting as an official Navy representative.

His experience in practicing environmental law is related to training issues on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, and litigation support on dozens of suits filed against the Navy there. Primary issues were NEPA compliance, Clean Water Act permits, ESA compliance, and RCRA/CERCLA issues. At Third Fleet, he also worked on implementing Navy policy to help ensure compliance with MMPA. While at Third Fleet, they were sued by NRDC over use of mid-frequency active sonar in the Navy’s RIMPAC exercise – Capt. Hunzeker worked to help settle the litigation and develop interim protection measures for marine mammals so that the exercise could continue.

sponsored by the USD Environmental Law Society

Thursday, January 25, 2007

General Meeting CHANGED.
Our first meeting of the semester will now be TUES, 12PM in WH-3A. Come for the food, stay to discuss our upcoming events.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Great Internship Opportunity for this spring!

Employer: City Attorney of San Diego, Civil Division, Environmental Section
Position: Part-time, unpaid volunteer
Title: Spring 2007 Intern
We are seeking four students to assist in creating a non-profit environmental legal clinic. Students will be identifying and securing funding sources, finding a location to house the clinic, drafting a business plan, and communicating with leaders in the community. Students must be available to work 10-15 hours each week for the duration of the spring 2007 semester. Academic credit may be available through your school.
How to Apply:
Please submit your Cover Letter and Resume, including relevant experience, via e-mail ( to:

Shirley R. Edwards
Chief Deputy City Attorney
Office of the San Diego City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Suite 1620
San Diego, CA 92101

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

One of the projects the Environmental Law Clinic is working on is the seemingly imminent running of giant power lines through Anzo Borrego National Park. This is going to have a big impact on the county. To read about it click here.